Mihsign Vision
Mihsign Vision
The official name of this brand is [.tv] (Ludussia), as displayed above. It appears incorrectly in the URL is due to technical restrictions. Therefore, the URL has the name as is commonly spoken: .tv (Ludussia)

[.tv] is Ludussian former technology television network owned and exclusively by Catatonial Telecom SRL. The channel broadcasts related to computer, video game, mobile phone, technology, internet and etc.


[.tv] and the five exclusive channels from Catatonial Telecom was launched on February 1, 1993.

On December 1, 2003, [.tv] and the six exclusive channels from Catatonial Telecom was closed and replaced the feeds:

Galaxy > B1 TV
Now > Realitatea TV
[.tv] > Club
Telesport > Telesport în Anierican version
Telefilm > Viasat TV1000
Teleclub > Toon Disney