Mihsign Vision
Mihsign Vision

The history of Mihsign Vision in 2016 describes the events in my wiki that are expected in 2016.


Day Description
17 Mihsign Vision was founded under the name as "Telefanon".

The first page on the wiki was "Dekanska Radiotelevizija".

25 The first page outside Dekania called "Erdetia"
29 The first page about logo history of Dekanian television.
30 All images have white background became into transparent background.


Day Note
2 The second page about Yucoscret broadcaster union "Yucoscret Radiodiffusion and Television".
3 The first page about channel list.
10 The third page about Dekania's sister country was "Hoprovratia".
23 The making of the Dekanian documentary channel's logo history was Planeta.


Day Note
2 The first page about Dekanian regional channels.
The first blog post about my upcoming wikis.
3 The first page about Dekanian cable and satellite channels.
4 The first file about E-Cinema's teaser in 2016.
13 The first page about schedules.
17 Telefanon introduces the my new sister wiki called "Radiofanon".
18 The first file about NBCUniversal International Networks logo.
22 The first file about Dekanian former television channels.


Day Note
2 The first file about Mediaset Dekanija's channels.
15 The first page about Dekanian movie channel was "Mediaset Spotlight 1".
27 The second file about Teledek's ident from 1983.


Day Note
1 The first file was current Telekom Dekanija logo from 2014.
The second page about channel list was Telekom Dekanija.
3 The second page about schedules.
4 The first video file was Minimax idents from 2004.
24 The first file was DRT 1 HD from 2016.
31 The file about ETV's channels from the end of 2016.
History of Mihsign Vision