A+ is Ludussian defunct entertainment television network owned by Catatonial Telecom SRL . The channel broadcasts series, documentaries and reality shows for teenagers, particullary high school and students.
as a exclusive network
A+ was launched on November 19, 1999. Beginning with Galaxy at midnight until 05:30.
as a commercial broadcast network
On December 1, 2003, since Galaxy 's closure, A+ continues as a commercial broadcast network on Fox Kids at 20:00 until 06:00.
On December 6, 2004, A+ was closed because TvNimerise Anime from Junior 2 and A+ Anime from Cherry Music are the debuts.
Broadcast hours
Date start
Date end
Shared channel with
Air start
Air end
November 19, 1999
November 30, 2003
December 1, 2003
February 15, 2004
Fox Kids
February 16, 2004
December 6, 2004
Final programming
Judecătoarea Judy (Judge Judy) - only seasons 1-8
Lege și ordine (Law & Order) - only seasons 1-14
Lege și ordine: Brigada specială (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) - only seasons 1-5
Lege și ordine: Intenții criminale (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) - only seasons 1-3
Former programming
Aeroport (Airport) - only seasons 1-9
Antichitate drumuri (Antiques Roadshow) - only seasons 1-26
Apele de pe Sylvania (Sylvania Waters)
C. Everett Koop, M.D.
Cannonball Run 2001
Cele mai înfricoșătoare locuri de pe Pământ - only seasons 1-3
Cele mai tari criminale din America (America's Dumbest Criminals)
Colegi de clasa (Classmates)
Cursă spre Altar (Race to the Altar)
Ești mai cald? (Are You Hot?: The Search for America's S**iest People)
Linie aeriană 1998 (Airline 1998) - only seasons 1-7
Proiectul Greenlight (Project Greenlight) - only seasons 1-2
Stilul viu (The Living Soap)
Vânătorul de crocodili (The Crocodile Hunter)
Former channels
Catatonial/Winkom exclusive channels
Must-carry channels
In 2003-2004, was time-shared by Jetix
Winkom Cinema (exclusively at Winkom)
Winkom Sport (Winkom Sport 1, 2 and PPV 1-4 are exclusively at Winkom)
Current channels