Mihsign Vision
Mihsign Vision

A+ is Ludussian defunct entertainment television network owned by Catatonial Telecom SRL. The channel broadcasts series, documentaries and reality shows for teenagers, particullary high school and students.


as a exclusive network

A+ was launched on November 19, 1999. Beginning with Galaxy at midnight until 05:30.

as a commercial broadcast network

On December 1, 2003, since Galaxy's closure, A+ continues as a commercial broadcast network on Fox Kids at 20:00 until 06:00.

On December 6, 2004, A+ was closed because TvNimerise Anime from Junior 2 and A+ Anime from Cherry Music are the debuts.

Broadcast hours

Date start Date end Shared channel with Air start Air end
November 19, 1999 November 30, 2003 Galaxy 00:00 05:30
December 1, 2003 February 15, 2004 Fox Kids 20:00 06:00
February 16, 2004 December 6, 2004 Jetix 02:00 06:00


Final programming

  • Judecătoarea Judy (Judge Judy) - only seasons 1-8
  • Lege și ordine (Law & Order) - only seasons 1-14
  • Lege și ordine: Brigada specială (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) - only seasons 1-5
  • Lege și ordine: Intenții criminale (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) - only seasons 1-3

Former programming

  • Aeroport (Airport) - only seasons 1-9
  • Antichitate drumuri (Antiques Roadshow) - only seasons 1-26
  • Apele de pe Sylvania (Sylvania Waters)
  • C. Everett Koop, M.D.
  • Cannonball Run 2001
  • Cele mai înfricoșătoare locuri de pe Pământ - only seasons 1-3
  • Cele mai tari criminale din America (America's Dumbest Criminals)
  • Colegi de clasa (Classmates)
  • Cursă spre Altar (Race to the Altar)
  • Ești mai cald? (Are You Hot?: The Search for America's S**iest People)
  • Linie aeriană 1998 (Airline 1998) - only seasons 1-7
  • Proiectul Greenlight (Project Greenlight) - only seasons 1-2
  • Stilul viu (The Living Soap)
  • Vânătorul de crocodili (The Crocodile Hunter)