Mihsign Vision
Mihsign Vision

Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi (Greek: Ελλενδική Δημόσια Ραδιοφωνία Τηλεόραση) is Elend public broadcasting company owned by the Government of Elendia and as part of Euphorian Broadcasting Association member. The company have ten television channels and eleven radio stations.


Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi was founded on 1st December 1975. Found of the broadcast for television and radio.

On 2nd September 1979, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's radio station EDR Topikoi was launched.

On 19th December 1983, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel EDT 3 was launched.

On 11th September 1987, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's regional news Topikes Eidiseis was broadcasted on EDT 3.

On 23rd October 1991, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's radio station EDR Kosmos was launched.

On 1st May 1996, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi was rebranded with the new logo and idents were changed.

On 13th October 1996, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel EDT Sat was launched.

On 20th March 1998, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's digital television EDT Elit (Elit Ena - entertainment channel, Elit Dia - knowledge channel and Elit Tria - sports channel) was launched.

On 30th June 1998, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel EDT 24 was launched.

On 11th October 2002, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channels Elit Tria was renamed as EDT Sport.

On 14th June 2004, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channels Elit Ena and Elit Dia were renamed as Elit Studio and Elit Prisma following Stella's relaunch.

On 7th April 2006, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel Elit Katsiki was launched.

On 23rd March 2008, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi was rebranded with the new logo and idents were changed.

On 19th March 2011, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel EDT HD was launched.

On 25th June 2015, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel EDT 1, EDT 2 and EDT 3 were launched in high-definition versions.

On 14th September 2020, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi was rebranded with the new logo and idents were changed.

On 25th April 2021, Ellendiki Dimosia Radiofonia Tileorasi's television channel EDT 4K was launched.



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