Mihsign Vision
Mihsign Vision

TVR HD is Romanian television network owned by Televiziunea Română. The channel broadcasts programmings from Televiziunea Română's channels in high-definition.


TVR HD was launched on 1st June 2008. Launch of the broadcast for sports, documentaries and movies in high-definition.

On 1st April 2010, TVR HD was rebranded and the new logo was changed.

On 31st December 2011, TVR HD was broadcasted TVR 1 and TVR 2 in high-definition and the rest of original shows and sports.

On 1st September 2016, TVR HD was removed on free-to-air DVB-T provider.

On 3rd November 2019, TVR HD was closed by reason: replaced by TVR 1 and TVR 2 in high-definition versions.


  • 360° Geo (TVR 2)
  • Aventura urbană (TVR 1)
  • Cap compas (TVR 2)
  • Cooperativa de fotbal
  • Discover Romania (TVR 1)
  • Drumuri aproape
  • Duelul pianelor (TVR 2)
  • Femei de 10, bărbați de 10 (TVR 2)
  • Exclusiv în România (TVR 1)
  • Face toți banii
  • Facem valuri
  • Politică şi delicateţuri (TVR 1)
  • Post meridian
  • Replay (TVR 1)
  • O dată-n viață (TVR 1)
  • Vreau să fiu sănătos! (TVR 1)
  • Un pariu mondial (TVR 1)
  • Zon@ IT


Regional channels
TVR Moldova (2022-.n.v.) TVR Cluj (2022-.n.v.) TVR Timișoara (2022-.n.v.) TVR Iași (2022-.n.v.) TVR Craiova (2022-.n.v.) TVR Tîrgu-Mureș (2022-.n.v.)