Mihsign Vision
Mihsign Vision

TV Veirn is a Roketian TV channel owned by Veirna Media.


The network was launched in 1982 after breaking the RRTV-RIM duopoly as TV4, being formed by Ashterian investors. The first logo was based on the one used by U.S. cable network Showtime.

On January 1987, the TV4 simplified its branding as 4 (Veirna), and unvieled a new logo (under its Veirna brand), which later was updated in August 1993 with new idents.

On April 1997, TV4 was rebranded as TV Veirna, and launched both new logo and idents (with some of which made by Novocom/GFRX).

On April 2003, TV Veirna launched a new logo, being the longest using logo in the channel's history.

On September 2015, TV Veirna updated its branding with its current logo. based

